
Workshop 4: “You Know My Methods, Watson.” CFT and the Case of Group Therapy.

October 10, 2022
Edinburgh Royal College of Physicians and Online

Timings and Registration

The workshop will start at 9.30 and finish at 16.30.

To book this workshop, please scroll down to the bottom of our main conference page, and select the workshop option.

About this Workshop

Our  presentation will combine didactic training with experiential  activities.  We assume most attendees  will have exposure to CFT, and will, therefore, primarily focus on  experiential learning in a group format.


Didactic  Training:

1.        Introductions  (9:30-9:45)

a.        Presenters/participants

2.        Basic  overview/refresher of CFT (9:45-10:30)

3.        Our experience with group  psychotherapy and CFT (10:30-11:00)

a.        Our CFT/group psychotherapy  research/findings

b.        Adaptation of CFT to group  psychotherapy

c.        Review of 12 group psychotherapy  modules

d.        Importance of multicultural  factors in CFT group psychotherapy


Experiential Activities (Bulk of Remaining time):

To provide participants with a sense  of how CFT can be applied to a group setting, we will engage in a group  experience. We are prepared to flexibly adjust depending on the number of  attendees, time allotted, and format with which attendees are participating  (in person vs. online). Depending on the number of attendees and space  limitations, we anticipate being able to have multiple, presenter-led  breakout groups or simply one fishbowl-style group. Following the demonstration session, we will process reactions from group participants and  observers and address questions.


In our experiential demonstrations  we will focus on ways to integrate the following in compassion focused group  therapy:

1.       Group Process

a.       Discussing fears/blocks/resistances  to the material

b.       Here-and-now interactions—helping  group members experience the three flows of compassion (or experience the  intention of compassion) in real-time

2.       Experiential Activities

3.       Psychoeducation


Given our assumption that most attendees are familiar with basic  CFT principles, our demonstration will begin with Module 4, “Feeling Safe and  Receiving Compassion From Others.”

1.        Soft Landing

2.        Feeling Threatened vs. Feeling  Safe

3.        Introduction to Imagery

4.        Safe Place Imagery

5.        Receiving Compassion from Others

6.        Ideal Compassionate Other  Imagery

7.        Wrap Up


If time permits, we will continue with Module 5, “Compassionate  Self.”

1.        Soft  Landing

2.        Compassion  as a Brain Pattern

3.        Training  the Compassionate Self

4.        Activating  the Compassionate Self Meditation

5.        Compassionate Listening

6.        Compassionate Self-Response

7.        Wrap Up


Key learning  points

Participants  will:

·          obtain a basic understanding of CFT principles

·          understand how CFT can be applied to group  psychotherapy

·          experientially learn how to structure a CFT  group psychotherapy session  


Recommended Reading

Cattani, K., Griner, D., Erekson, D.M., Burlingame, G.M., Beecher, M.E. & Alldredge, C. (In Press) Compassion Focused Group Therapy for University Counseling Centers: A Clinician’s Guide. Routledge.

Lundgreen, R., Alldredge, C., Cattani, K., Griner, D., Erekson, D.M., Burlingame, G.M.,& Beecher, M.E. (In Press) Compassion Focused Therapy Participant Workbook. Routledge.

Gilbert, P. & Choden (2015).  Mindful Compassion.  Robinson.

Meet your instructor(s)

Dr Kara Cattani

Clinical Professor and Director of Counseling & Psychological Services

Dr Kara Cattani is the Director of Behavioral Medicine at Boston University. She has spent her career as a clinical professor and administrator; dividing her time between administrative work, consulting, clinical practice, training of graduate students, and clinical research.  Her research focus is group treatment of Compassion Focused Therapy, particularly for emerging adults.

Prof Gary Burlingame

Professor of Psychotherapy

Prof Gary Burlingame has contributed over 75 books, manuals, and chapters and 150 articles on effective small group treatments and is president-elect of the American Group Psychotherapy Association.

Dr Derek Griner

Counselling Psychologist

Dr Derek Griner is a practicing board certified (ABPP) counseling psychologist and meets the internationally accepted criteria of education, training, and experience to be endorsed as a certified group psychotherapist (CGP). He has worked in several settings and currently is a clinical professor who engages in individual, group, and couples therapy, teaching, research, and program development at Brigham Young University. He also serves as the associate training director. Derek is committed to diversity issues and has conducted award winning research in this domain. Recently, he has focused his research and clinical work on Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT).

Dr David Erekson


Dr David M.Erekson is a board-certified psychologist and an associate clinical professor at Brigham Young University. A dedicated scientist-practitioner, he has an active clinical practice and a psychotherapy research lab.

Dr Mark Beecher

Counselling Psychologist

Dr Mark Beecher is a board-certified counseling psychologist who has practiced in a college counseling center for over twenty years. His practice and research interests include individual/group psychotherapy, CFT, and multicultural competence.